Singapore has been a major contributor to the development of medicine in general and ophthalmology in particular for several decades. The field of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, also termed as Oculoplastic Surgery, is one of the youngest, yet probably the most vibrant of all the various subspecialties of Ophthalmology. Oculoplastic surgeons from various institutions in Singapore over the decades, have made major contributions to the education, practice and research in the field, not only regionally, but also in the Asia Pacific and even globally.
While there has been healthy interaction between individuals and institutions in this field for several years, there was a felt need for a formal society to bring together specialists from various institutions and the private sector, so that they can deliberate together to discuss interesting/challenging clinical and surgical cases, learn from each other, discuss potential collaborative research, be a unified voice for the benefit of the patients/ community and also represent the subspecialty at the national, regional and international level.
With this in mind and with an open invitation to all Oculoplastic surgeons of Singapore to join and contribute to the specialty with a greater vision, the Oculoplastic Special Interest Group was formed with its initial meeting held in Aug 2013. This brought together individuals with common interests and goals to further enhance the profile of the specialty. Following introductions of its members, challenging cases were discussed in an informal Peer Review Learning format, with a discussion on how to take this idea of interaction and collaboration further.
Aug 2013 Inaugural Singapore Oculoplastic Special Interest Group – National University Hospital
Following this meeting, several additional meetings with were held around the country in various institutions and residences of its individual members, with increased interest to form a more official and formal society that represents the interest of the specialty, benefits the public and build relations with the Ministry of Health and other professional organizations.
A chronicle of all previous meetings preceding the formation of the Society with members in attendance is shown below:
Jan 2014 Hosted by SNEC
Mar 2015 Hosted by Dr Audrey Looi
Oct 2015 Hosted by Dr Cheng Jin Fong
Mar 2016 Hosted by Dr Shawn Goh
Jul 2016 Hosted by Dr Liew Geok Cheng
Nov 2016 National University Hospital
Feb 2017 Singapore National Eye Centre
With increasing fervour, participation and contribution from more members from various institutions and the private sector and with common interest to grow the subspecialty and its science to help patients, it was decided to officially form a society. With contributions of its members led by Dr Petrina Tan & Dr Gangadhara Sundar, a constitution was drafted and finally approved by all members of the special interest group and formally adopted.
Feb 17, 2017 was a landmark day when the Singapore Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive was officially formed. With the formal adoption of the Constitution, an election for office bearers was held with the formation of the Inaugural SSOPRS Council. The founding members also decided to proceed with the formal application to have it registered by the Registry of Societies, Singapore.
Initial international endorsement of the society was achieved with the official recognition by the Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (APSOPRS) under the leadership of Dr Hunter Yuen.
At the 2017, Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Conference, Singapore, Prof Geoffrey Rose, Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK, welcomed the formation of the society officially and shared his perspective regarding the challenges in the formation of such a professional society and inspired its members to chart a course of progressive growth and development and contribute further to the art and science of Oculoplastic Surgery.
The formation and formal announcement of the formation of the society authored by Dr Choo Chai Teck and Dr Geoffrey Rose’s address were published in the Mar 2017 Newsletter iPlastics, edited by Dr Audrey Looi.
While awaiting formal registration, the Group met again in July 2017 to deliberate the future growth of the subspecialty and the society, with active deliberation to fine tune the guidelines for functional and aesthetic Eyelid surgery.
It was at this time the logo of SSOPRS, designed by Dr Shantha Amrith, was also formally adopted by all of its members unanimously.
July 2017 Hosted by Dr Shantha
The registry of societies Singapore, formally granted registration to the Singapore Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (SSOPRS)
Jan 2018 Hosted by Dr Ganga
The Inaugural SSOPRS scientific and official meeting was then held in Jan 2018 with a large attendance and new members enrolled.
Sep 2018 Sengkang General Hospital
The 2nd SSOPRS Scientific meetings were held on Sep 2018.
Mar 2019 Changi General Hospital
The 3rd SSOPRS Scientific meetings were held on Mar 2019.
Jan 2020 SSOPRS Meeting
Election of our new President Dr Ganga and Vice President Dr Audrey Looi.
The NUH-SSOPRS-ISDDE- OSDED Symposium was held 20th to 22nd October 2022 in partnership with the NUH Cornea team. The symposium opened with a fully subscribed-to Cadaveric course with Expert faculty including Profs Mark Thong, Mohamed Javed Ali, Swathi Singh, Guy Ben Simon, Raghavan Sampath, Reynaldo Javate, Doctors Daphna Landau Prat, Habibullah Eatamadi, Nattawut Wanunkarnug and Dr Yasushi Fujita contributing towards guiding all keen dacryologists from the Oculoplastics and Otorhinolaryngology specialties in the region on further techniques ranging from endoluminal recanalization to external tear duct bypass and finally endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy surgeries. This was continued with live surgery demonstrations in NUH with simulcasts featuring discussions between faculty and delegates and the ENT and Oculoplastics surgeons during surgery before closing off with a range of rigorous lectures and debates.
SSOPRS convened August 2022 in NUHS with our special guest, Prof Mohamed Javed Ali from LV Prasad who was here on his Hong Leong Professorship, sharing his pearls of wisdom on Dacryology as well as a hearty discussion of complex lacrimal cases seen by our members.
Dr Raman Malhotra spent a week with the Oculoplastics fraternity locally with the teams at NUH, NTFGH, SNEC and TTSH. During this time he too graced our SSOPRS meeting at NUH and generously shared his insights on facial nerve palsy management, his approaches towards various eyelid surgeries and reconstructive surgery.
Eagle Eye Centre hosted SSOPRS February 2023, together with an open door invite to non SSOPRS colleagues. During this meeting we were privileged to have Prof Kim Yoon Duck and Prof Richard Allen who inspired the team with their professional journeys and provided invaluable expertise on the management of complex oculoplastics cases.
© 2025 Singapore Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery